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Darke County Sheriff Toby L. Spencer would like to remind Darke County residents to be vigilant in keeping our children safe as we prepare for trick or treat events this Halloween season. As the weather turns to fall and signifies the Halloween season is upon us it means many of our Darke County Communities will be having fun events for children and adults alike. Sheriff Spencer asks citizens to keep the following safety points in mind as you enjoy the many community events this year.

Many communities in Darke County hold community wide events during given times and at central locations. These events are often designed to keep people safe while allowing everyone to participate in seasonal traditions like trick or treat. We recommend you check local listings for such events.

When taking children trick or treating, stick to neighborhoods and communities you know and keep children under adult supervision. Go to and click on the sex offender search links to check for sex offenders in your neighborhood or the neighborhoods you plan to visit. Be aware of these locations and stay away from them. Children should be clearly instructed not to enter the homes or vehicles of those you do not know or trust and close adult supervision is best practice. Costumes are always fun and an important part of the tradition. Visibility and unobstructed vision of the costume wearer should be a priority in the design. This helps the wearer to clearly see where they are going and what is coming. Visibility of people walking is important. especially during low light or night time events. Halloween is a great time for parents and caretakers to teach children and reinforce the importance of traffic safety and looking both ways when crossing streets while walking with them. Put down electronic devices while walking and watch where you are going and be aware of your surroundings. Motorists are advised to slow down and pay attention to trick or treaters and others walking in communities with Halloween events. Motorists should not engage in distracted driving while operating a vehicle and keep your attention focused on driving your vehicle. Practice defensive driving techniques by looking ahead and being prepared for any problems that may occur. Be especially vigilant at driveway and alley entrances as well as intersections. Adult Halloween Parties are common and can be fun events. The Sheriff asks that you drink responsibly and have a designated driver. Consumption of drugs and or alcohol while driving will not be tolerated by Sheriff Spencer or his Darke County Deputies. Darke County Deputies will be patrolling Darke County community roadways this Halloween season. Lets all work together to make Darke County roadways safe for our children and other pedestrians and motorists. For more Halloween safety tips check our website and Facebook page.


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